#101: "In lieu of gifts"


I want to go ahead and apologize up front for any weird typos that I make in this letter and don't catch. I was doing the dishes this evening and cut my right index finger on a steak knife and i've got a band-aid on it which is making it a little harder than usual to type. 

Usually what makes it so hard to type are the two tiny gentlemen that run havoc about this house. I almost always write after they go to bed (note that I'm purposefully not saying go to sleep, because even though they've both been up there a few hours I'm not sure they actually are asleep). Sometimes on the weekends I'm lucky enough to get to sit down while they nap, but usually that time is better spent cleaning up everything they've strewn about.

We're coming up on the first birthday of the year for our nuclear family. It's the only March birthday around; there's no first cousins, aunts, uncles, or grandparents that share the month or the Zodiac sign.

Oh, our little Aries. The ones that dislike waiting for anything. The ones that can have a sharp temper but can learn to control it. Ruled by fire, they're all action and movement.

I mean, if you believe in those things.

In reality our little Brooklynite screams when he doesn't get his way right away, especially when he is done eating. He's the one that will angrily roll away from you trying to change his diaper or put on clothes, and the one that wants to be picked up but then instantly tries to get out of your arms. Did I mention the screaming about everything?

I mean, maybe we should believe in those things?

In all seriousness, it's been fun to watch him grow over this past year (well almost, his birthday is next week). He's got an infectious personality that's all in - when it's good it's great but when it's bad it's disastrous. If I had to make a prediction right now I'd bet that he'll be the one to go running head first into whatever comes along, while his brother waits and watches and figures it all out before having a go. They're going to be an interesting pair, that's for sure.

Just for fun, I looked up who he shares a birthday with. Maybe one day he can celebrate with the likes of Lady Gaga, Vince Vaughn, Julia Stiles, or the guy that was the main person in the second season of Serial

Maybe not that last one. 

So raise a glass to Benji. He's made it a year without killing us, or us leaving him behind for a moment's peace and quiet. The nickname stuck, though I'll always be partial to just Ben.

In lieu of gifts we're asking that you all send booze and legos. We'll give the legos to Fred to keep him occupied while we relax with a nice drink. I think we've earned it, and even if we haven't at least we'll have drinks.