#13: "I Miss my bike"


I wanted to post this throwback letter now as it's become particularly relevant to the last week: I've been injured so I haven't been able to ride for a week. As I was scrolling through my newsletter archives, I thought that this might be an interesting post for the moment.


Let me be perfectly honest: I find going to the gym abysmal. It ranks up there with some of the worst things I every have had to do.

This is not to say that I am anti workout. I enjoy being active, I just want activity on different terms. I also don't need locker rooms that can't ever be as clean as they tout, judgement from others, people who get annoyed because you're not done with the machine you're using, or just being in a place that smells like a week worn sock.

About a decade ago I finally figured out why I couldn't ever stick with a workout plan. It wasn't because of time constraints as I originally thought. It was much simpler - I needed a game. I thought at first I just needed daily achievable goals, but there's no competition when you're the only one there. If I'm the only one trying to do better than myself, I'm already both the winner and loser, so why play the game?

In 2007 I started playing adult football/soccer (you use whatever word you prefer). I found a league in Richmond, listed myself as a player in need of a team, and got picked up. Just went and looked and the team I joined is still playing, though I doubt anyone is still the same on that side anymore. I kept playing when I moved to Tallahassee, though I must admit that league was not as good. I've tried my best to keep playing here in NYC, but it's getting tough. I would love to find a new league closer to home (especially if it's got an 'older' league).

But recently what I've discovered to be serious fun is riding my bike to work. It's a long way - almost 9 miles each direction - but it's fun, it's rarely the exact same ride, and it's a challenge to be faster than I was the day before. Sadly it's winter and I don't have winter riding gear. It's been something I've wanted to invest in, but I really have no idea where to start. I really miss it though; it's one of the few times of the day when I really get to focus on me. It's also great thinking time and no one will look at you strangely if you talk to yourself.

Oh, and the game aspect of riding your bike to work in New York traffic? It's a lot like this classic game that I'm sure you've all played a few times.