#94: "Resolved"


I successfully wrote 2019 on some documents yesterday. I realize that for an adult that shouldn't be such a triumph, but I'm sure you all understand how hard it can be on the first few days of the new year to write the correct year. I also realize for some of us that time frame is really the first month (or more), but eventually we all get in on the new year.

So far 2019 feels absolutely the same. Not that I actually expected some sort of instant sea change, but we’ve got a new Congress and maybe there’s a little hope for the future. Really though, I feel like new year’s and birthdays are much the same; we celebrate them both with timely fervor, but as soon as they’re gone it’s a quick return to business as usual. 
It’s the time of year when many people try to instill change in their lives. No need to raise your hand, but how many of us have bought gym memberships in January, or started/joined a diet program, or even just taken a month off from drinking? I’ve done the gym one during grad school. It hung on for a bit, but then I left Tallahassee, so I felt like it was OK for me to cancel that membership and move on. 
I used a great app this past summer to try and change some things in my life. I gave myself three things to work on: spend less than $13 for lunch, commute by bike, and get to bed before midnight. In all honestly, I did OK with them. I’ve discovered what I can get to eat for $13, and it’s usually plenty. I commuted until late October, and I’m trying to figure out what I can do to mitigate some of the cold to commute now. And for a while I was great about getting to bed before midnight, though now it’s really my target time. 
I just think that January is the worst time to make changes to your life. We’re just coming off back to back holidays, many people have been traveling, and it’s back to work directly. I think we should all start our resolutions in another month or two. Maybe it would help us all get out of the worst of the winter doldrums by focusing on something new.
But still, I’ve been thinking about resolutions, as is the norm this time. What do I want to change in my life? 
Last year my biking goal was 1000 miles. I think this year I’ll up that to 1500. Seems doable.
For the moment I’m going to keep that lunch expenditure mark right where it is. I’m also going to leave that bedtime mark the same.
I’d like to work on getting a special website project/idea I’ve got up and running. It’s something that’s been festering in the back of my mind for a couple years now, and I’ve worked on it in fits and starts. It’s time to focus and get it done.
I’d like to write one new song this year. I haven’t done that in a very long time, and I think one is a manageable target.

I’d also like to finally finish watching all 100 movies on AFI’s 100 Greatest Movies list. It’s from 2007. It’s time to have that done. 
Past that, I’ll let things come as they will. I think that’s plenty of work for the next 361 days.