random beers left in my fridge, Part 2


The Details: Bronx Brewery Slow Your Roll Session IPA, 4.6% ABV, 30 IBU, served in a 12oz. can

This week I'm returning to the source of so much joy and so much disappointment in my life... The fridge. Some days it holds exactly what I'm looking for, and other days it lacks that one thing that can right the day or bring a smile to my face.

Thankfully right now I still have some leftovers to enjoy and write about, and this week I've got a beer from the far away northern lands... from across the Harlem River... where an overpriced baseball team plays (but is currently the best team in baseball)... and where I have sadly visited the least: The Bronx.

The Bronx is famous for lots of things. It's the birthplace of hip hop. It set itself on fire in the 70's and 80's. It's got that baseball team I mentioned. Edgar Allan Poe lived there. It's also got two of the best breweries in the city right now - Gun Hill Brewing Company, and the maker of this week's beer, Bronx Brewery. 

I picked this particular beer because Amy really loves it. She is an IPA girl all the way; so much so that it's all that she'll drink. Well, she'll try a bit of whatever I'm having, but really all she wants is an IPA. This particular one doesn't disappoint. It's called Slow Your Roll, and it's an interesting drink.

But before I tell you about it, I want to go over something I feel like I've talked about before, just to be sure. This is a session IPA - and yes, as I'm a dad part of me wants to make that into some sort of jam session or worse joke, I'm not going to - which means that it's supposed to be a lower ABV beer for drinking all day. The story goes that the term 'session beer' was for workers in munitions plants in WWII era England, where they were given one beer to drink on the job per 'session' of work. Can't have folks turning up a high ABV porter or stout - gotta have something that will keep you mostly sober so you don't blow yourself up. Of course that really means that session IPA is a bit of an oxymoron, but we'll let that slide for now.

First off, I gotta say that I'm a big fan of the brand redesign that Bronx Brewery has done. Their new line has each beer on a one color on b&w scheme, and it's pretty striking. This beer is also pretty striking in that they say right on the can "An easy-drinking IPA with a heavy dose of tropical hops." They are not joking at all. This beer is almost a tropical flavored Life Saver. When the can is first opened and still cold, that's a good thing. Don't let this beer warm up, though, because it turns a weird sour that's nowhere near as good. It is a session after all, I don't think it's intended to hang around very long. Guess I better get to drinking, then.

The verdict: 3.5 out of 5 (on Untapp'd - follow me there @slownumbers to see what I'm drinking)